Adjustable Desks: Choosing the Right One

Adjustable Desks: Choosing the Right One

Posted by Jarah Sakamoto on Sep 18th 2019

Have you ever noticed a person standing at their desk all day rather than sitting? We are accustomed to seeing desk workers sitting all day in the same, slightly rigid posture, but what if I told you that sitting all day and standing all day were both harmful to the body? In fact, Runner’s World shares a study that proves that “standing all day is twice as bad as sitting for your heart.”

What if I told you there was an adjustable desk available to you that will allow you to sit and stand, all while maintaining the same work space? Rackfinity offers a wide array of these desks, even including “L-Shaped” desks, with a sit and stand function. It is important, however, to ask yourself a few questions before proceeding with purchasing your height adjustable desk.

Scale of Height

Red Thread shares that there are quite a few aspects of an adjustable standing desk to consider during your search, the first of which being height range. It is very important to check the range of height on the desk you are considering purchasing. If you are tall, you may want to purchase a desk with a wide range of height.

Ease of Adjustment and Sound

It’s not only important to look into the range of height, but also how easy is it to adjust the height of your adjustable standing desk. When we are working, we don’t want to be side-tracked. Being able to easily change the height of our desk makes it much more difficult to disrupt our workflow.

How much noise does your desk make when you adjust it? Noise can disrupt our workflow, but not only our workflow. If your desk squeaks and whines when you adjust it, it certainly will capture the attention of your workmates. Adjustable desks are, thankfully, not noisy enough to draw any attention to you.

Depth and Connectivity

How much depth and connectivity does your desk provide? How much space do you wish to have on your desk and how do you want it to be shaped? While most sit/stand desks are rectangular, companies such as Rackfinity include “L-Shaped” standing desks.

Another important aspect of any desk is the ease in which you can connect to power. Will your height adjustable desk, when standing, strain the chords attached to your computer? The last thing you want to have happen when adjusting your desk is to have your computer plummeting backwards, so you may want to research your desk and purchase some extension cords.

Physical Strain

It is important to remember that your body may not be used to standing for long amounts of time during the day. Luckily, these desks are not for standing only and can be adjusted so you can sit, but it is still important to be prepared for hours spent standing. Whether that means wearing supports in your shoes or even purchasing a supportive mat, it will be well worth it if it means you can handle more standing.

Is the Adjustable Standing Desk Right For You?

After reading this article, you now know what an adjustable desk offers. Instead of risking your health by standing or sitting all day, you can do both with ease. Not only that, but your workspace remains the same throughout the process. You no longer need to worry about moving your space to diversify your sitting and standing because it is all there for you on your height adjustable desk.

Making this purchase will change your state of working for the better and allow you to go home each day without aches or pains. Not only that, but these desks can easily accommodate your personal style or workspace. There are a plethora of different types of standing/sitting desks for you to take a look at, all of which are stylish and easy to use.