Precision and Stability in Server Rack Setup with the Usage of Cage Nuts

Precision and Stability in Server Rack Setup with the Usage of Cage Nuts

Apr 1st 2024

Servers are paramount in modern work environments because they store all of our data and information. A great way to properly assemble your server is with cage nuts, which are small fasteners that help attach and secure server components.

With the right type of cage nuts, you can significantly elevate your server setup. Unfortunately, most are not aware of cage nuts or their importance. In this article, we will discuss how cage nuts can improve the precision and stability of your server rack setup.

Everything to Know About Cage Nuts

First, let’s explain cage nuts. Due to their small size, they can easily be confused with other types of fasteners. Therefore, it's important to understand cage nuts and how to recognize them for proper server rack installation.

Cage nuts are multi-threaded steel nuts with cages. Typically, they fit into the square holes of a server. In turn, they allow for the insertion of threaded screws. Along with proper installation, this allows for the attachment of additional components. Without cage nuts, server racks cannot be fully assembled and will not be able to perform at maximum capacity.

There are also different sizes of cage nuts. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all variation. So, depending on the type of server rack, you will need to use specific cage nuts.


The three most common sizes of cage nuts are 10-32, 12-24, and M6.

The 10-32 variation has a diameter of 3/16 inches and 32 threads per inch. This is the most common type of cage nut in North America. Conversely, the 12-24 cage nut features a diameter of 7/32 inches and 24 threads per inch.

Finally, the M6 type of cage nut is mostly used in Europe. It is the largest variation of cage nuts with a diameter of 6mm.

Cage Nut Tools and Other Steps to Cage Nut Installation

Now that we have discussed the basics of cage nuts, it’s essential to explain how to install them properly. While it may seem complicated and difficult, it doesn’t have to be. In reality, cage nuts can be easily installed with the implementation of specific tools.

Before you begin the installation, you should confirm the size of the cage nuts and the types of rack screws. This is because they must be compatible with each other. This also includes ensuring they are the correct items required for your server rack.

Once that has been confirmed, you should line up your cage nut with the mounting hole. Afterward, you must insert the cage nut. Depending on its type, the spring-steel cage will snap into place—this is confirmation that they were installed correctly.

For complete security, use a socket wrench to fully tighten the fastener, but avoid overdoing it, as that can damage the item.

It is important to note that removing cage nuts is just as simple. All you need to do is untighten them with a socket wrench. When uninstalling, make sure to secure server rack attachments. Otherwise, they could be damaged.

Learn More with Rackfinity

With Rackfinity, you are guaranteed excellent customer service. In fact, we pride ourselves on streamlining your workplace tech setup.

With our selection of products, you can elevate your workspace with fast and powerful equipment. Furthermore, we offer custom design and assembly. Yes, if you need help assembling and installing your equipment, we will be there to help. All you need to do is schedule an appointment.

To learn more, please give us a call at 1-800-944-0338. We look forward to hearing from you.